Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beauty of God: Day 23 - Totally Has To Be About That Earthquake

Heck yes.

Because as I'm going about my business at work and talking to people, I'm realizing how many of us reacted so differently.

My co-worker flipped. It shook her up so bad she wasn't sure about coming in to work today.
My mom was chatting on Facebook with me, asking me tons of questions, telling me to call dad and watch the news.

I totally laughed about it.
Maybe it was because of what I thought the earthquake was originally. I was taking a nap, and felt the bed shaking. I thought it was my dog Hadassah under my bed with an itch, or trying to get out, because she's big enough to bump the bed, and possibly shake it.

But then I looked at the furniture.
Hadassah may be a tank, but she certainly doesn't shake furniture.

After it all stopped, all I could do was laugh so hard over it. Honestly, I found it exciting. Or, thrilling, rather. I guess there's a difference.
I mean, I survived my first earthquake! This really did just happen!

And the day went on as usual. Continued doing some things around the house (since I was too "shook up" to continue my nap, haha), went to work, etc. The weather was still gorgeous, no haze in the sky. God hadn't changed.

I know this is gonna sound cheesy, but hear me out on this one.

If I've learned anything along this journey with Yeshua, it's that I shouldn't expect every day to be the same. That something can happen at any moment, good or bad. My foundations are gonna shake now and then, and I've got to decide whether I'm going to let it bother me or let God do His thing.
I guess I could have let this experience scare the crap out of me, though I really think it is the grace of God that is keeping me from doing just that. I mean, sure, it was a heck of a strange and out-of-the-blue situation.

But I survived. And there was still a full day ahead of me.

I guess what I want to say here is that even though strange and crazy situations, good or bad, are gonna happen, God's not gonna stop the work that needs to be done. I may let the situation get to me enough to keep me from really living, or I might say, "Hey, I survived it, thank God." In either case, God still has a purpose and plan to carry out, and nothing can get in His way.

I hope that all made sense. It does to me, and yeah, it might sound like one of those cheesy devotionals, but it's something I want to remember.

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