Friday, January 14, 2011

Ten Days Meme: Day IV

I know this post is late. So much for me updating every single day. Oh well.

Day Four:
Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot
(CAUTION: My mind is a dangerous place, full of randomness and possible insanity. Enter at your own risk. The little people that live there don't like strangers.)
1. What I'm going to eat. Honestly, I wish I could make do without eating. I find it a tedious interruption to my day. I know that makes me sound anorexic, which is totally not the case (I'd be obviously thinner if I were). It takes me a long time to figure out what to eat because my stomach is so damn sensitive I sometimes don't keep food down well. Great. Now I sound bulimic.
2. The game plan for the day.
3. How my friends are doin'. I always wonder, but I never do anything about it, 'cause I don't want to bother anyone. Go figure.
4. Drawing and artsy stuff. Thinking of ideas, figuring out why that horse's head is unproportional, why I didn't sew that lining in correctly....
5. What kind of music to listen to while doing said artsy stuff.
6. I could be doing a lot more with my time right now. And I really wish I was goin' to the barn today.
7. Geez, I have no life. What the heck?
Hm. In reality, I do have a lot more on my mind than that. But it's more personal and I didn't feel right posting it. It's not like, shameful stuff, just stuff the world doesn't need to read.

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