Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ten Days Meme: Day V

Day Five:
Six Things I Wish I Had Never Done
(CAUTION: ...I wish I had been able to think of something more clever than this.)
1. I wish I hadn't given up on my horse dream so soon. I probably would have found that barn a lot sooner, like in high school.
2. I wish I hadn't waited to get my drivers liscense. I should have just gone and gotten it as soon as I was old enough instead of waiting. As a result, I spent a lot of time alone, stuck at the house, becoming a depressed blob of blargh when I could have been out drivin' around, hanging out with people without being a burden, etc.
3. I wish I hadn't let complications from home affect my life as much as I did. I became such a moody, depressed person at school and with friends.
4. I wish I had/would be a better friend. As much as I think of my friends, I don't check up with 'em as much as I wish. I feel like such a burden and a nuisance when I call them. I don't want to interrupt them while their with family, significant others, doin' work of some sort, etc., so it probably looks like I forget about them and don't care, when really, I want to be there for them.
5. I wish I had talked more in school. I don't know why I was so afraid of what people would think, but I shouldn't have cared about it so much. I should have just spouted out. Maybe I'd be more talkative today if I had been back then.
6. I wish I had thought before I spoke more often. I said/say a lot of stupid stuff without realizing it, and the people get the wrong idea or take what I say out of context.
I definitely have many more regrets than this. These were all I could think of at the moment. Not feeling too well today and my mind is a pile of mush inside my skull. Uuuuuugh. I wish I hadn't stayed up so late.

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