Day Two:
Nine Things About Yourself
(CAUTION: All are subject to change, do to my indecisive/mood swinging personality. Actually, they're pretty accurate. Except that one. And that one. Wait, that one will never change. Well, it could, last time I said 'never'....)
1. Horses and art (in almost all forms) are my passions. I don't remember a time when I didn't love horses, or when I didn't enjoy doodling and painting. Art, whether it be through drawing, writing or music, has been my way of releasing pent up emotions, dreams, desires, and even silliness. Horses have also been very therapeutic for me. Not only is riding a healthy excercise, but interacting with an animal ten times my size makes me feel, kinda powerful, something I don't ever feel. I'm still learning all that I can about horses and riding (you never know it all), and I'm enjoying it every small step at a time. Somehow, I will put both of these loves together.
2. At the moment, the future seems to loom over my head like a dark cloud, and I haven't seen any clear skies for about a year now. I know what I want my future to involve, but how is still beyond me. It's super frustrating. I feel like God gives all sorts of signs to other people but constantly leaves me out of that priviledge. So I'm kinda lost in the woods. And it terrifies me to death. All I know is that it HAS to involve horses and art somehow. Those are pretty much the only things that interest me. That's got to count for something...right?
3. I have never been in a relationsip or out on a date in all my 20 years (almost 21). I don't know if that pisses me off or if I should be proud....Some say God's saving me for that "special someone", but I have no experience with guys what-so-ever. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm meant for married life. The more I think about it, the more I like my independance. At the same time, I hate the thought of living alone. I yearn for companionship like nothing else.
4. I love to create and develope characters for stories. I have a few characters that I've had for many, many years that are still under developement, but have a special place in my heart, as well as on paper. My cousin and I have been writing stories with these characters since we were in elementary school, and I hope to see these books published one day.
5. When I was younger, being the horse lover that I am, I used to pretend I was one. I would go outside and run around on my hands and knees, neighing and bucking like a horse. I could sound so much like a horse that real horses would answer me if I neighed. I think this "acting like a horse" thing became imbedded into my brain, because if something surprises me, I feel my ears pricking foreword. When I'm angry, I feel my ears pinning back against my neck and my tail flashing, and sometimes I'll even "toss" my head a bit. If my bangs fall in front of my face, I feel like it's my forelock mane. Crazy? Nah, not really.
6. Switchfoot is absolutely my favorite band ever. I think they're really the only band I know I'll still be listening to in the next twenty years. And Jon Foreman has to be the best singer/song writer. I love his EP stuff, even if it is a little depressing. I could listen to them anytime, anywhere.
7. My favorite seasons are spring and autumn. I love spring for its renewal and mild weather. I love autumn for the colors and smells.
8. I don't understand siblings who don't get along and who despise each other. It breaks my heart when I hear stuff like that. My brothers and I aren't perfect, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. We have our times when we hate each other and call each other nasty names, say nasty things, etc., but you can count on us putting it behind us within five minutes. (Though, as a girl, I tend to hold on to those grudges. But growing up with guys, it's not too hard to put those grudges aside for a while.) My little brother especially knows how to make me forget that I'm pissed off with him. He just has to say one witty thing and I lose it. In a good way.
9. I am probably one of the easiest people to startle and frighten. I can't even be told a scary story without being kept awake for a night (or two...three...a week...). If I don't hear you coming, you'll startle me. It can be kind of funny if planned right (and I'll put aside the fact that I hate you for a minute to laugh). Just don't make it a habit.
So, that's that. Day two. Hope I'm not boring you all to death.
I likey. And am so not bored. Though day 1 was frustrating. Trying to identify all who you were talking to. I think I got a few of them down though. :] Cause I'm smart like that.
I...got a comment...from CARLEY?! (faints)
I just don't know what to do with myself now. I feel so honored! :D
Glad you like it so far!
I just need to not forget to update it, like i did for the past two days :p
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