Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beauty of God: Day 10 - Coincidences Don't Exist


They don't.

There was a time not too long ago when I would have believed that everything is just coincidence. But I definitely don't anymore.
And not because anything super amazing happened today.

But because, I think somethin's clickin' in the ol' ticker. Finally.

I guess the main point of it all is how much we take every day we are given for granted.
We just live through - get through - life, and just expect tomorrow to happen.
And the most we get out of our days is if something totally unusual happens - good or bad. (Or that we survived - then we realize we gotta start all over again tomorrow.)

A few minutes ago, I was thinking about how easy it is, for this challenge, to come home after work and reflect on all that God was doing through the day's challenges and achievements.

And then I thought, Why don't I think of this stuff WHILE it's happening?

I've noticed throughout these ten days (TEN DAYS!) that I'm actually getting more out of my day than I usually ever would, because I'm taking time at the end of it to think about it. But why don't I focus more on the work being done in it along the way?

Which lead me to think about how much a day is taken for granted, how nothing is coincidence, etc., etc.

Bear with me while I try to tie all this together.

The lady I work with sat down with me for a while on a break and was telling me the latest update on her sister, who is in the hospital. She is a diabetic. Both her legs and one hand has been amputated. Her eyesight is either just really bad or totally gone. She isn't as coherent as she was. In short, things really don't look good.

My co-worker sat there a second, and said, "How often do we take our feet and hands for granted? I know I don't anymore, not after seeing what my sister's gone through."

As an artist, I would definitely like to keep my hands.
Even moreso, my eyesight.
And yet, I wake up every day expecting my limbs to still be intact, and my eyes to work.
Just as I expect the sun to rise tomorrow.

There's nothing wrong with looking foreword to the future, being prayerfully hopeful and expectant of what the Lord has promised. But I think we take WAY too much in to consideration, that we lose the focus on what's most important in life.

Matthew 6:25-34 is a super familiar passage (and should be ultra-super familiar to me, since I'm pretty boss at worrying).
But I feel like, in context of what's been going on in my head right now, this passage has a slightly new meaning. Hopefully I'm not taking it out of context.

Let me try to explain:
Like Yeshua says, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?", who of us by taking everything we see, touch, taste, feel, and hear for granted can add an hour or a day to his or her life? Or add anything more to his or her life?

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness...."
(I know the context here is about food and clothes. But don't we take those for granted too?)

I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel like a lot of us - especially me - are going through our days out of focus. We don't live each day "seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness".
We just get through it, worrying about all the little things, taking all for granted, and forgetting who ordained it all.

So, what does this have to do with God's beauty?
I guess it's how nothing in life is coincidence.
When an artist starts a painting, he or she first plans it out. Then comes all the real nitty-gritty sketching, transfering, color, etc.

And every stroke of the brush has a purpose. Every rough sketch is there for a more important reason than to just get an idea out.

And just because the plan is laid, doesn't mean it won't all change tomorrow.

The Lord's beauty has come through an important lesson learned today, and the hope that the rest of my days, however many they may be, will be focused on His hand in them.

I really hope that all made sense. Probably doesn't help that I'm really tired right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you-when you seek His will for our life, these things are given to us-I know this to be true-Unless we are seeking His will in all things,nothing will come to fruition.