Monday, August 8, 2011

Beauty of God: Day 8 - Small Steps, Big Picture

I know I had touched on beauty in the simple things in life.

I believe small steps towards transition and bettering one's self count.

But let me try to put that in a less-unGodly, "unity with the self" way.

Like I've said before, God is seriously challenging me this month.
And part of it is to see what I'm made of.
But I need to start small, and that's ok.

For instance, I made a list of my priorities last night, and a "to-do" list for today.
I made these lists as motivational as possible, with little reminders like, "God is in control!" and "Nothin' to get burnt out about!"

Because I need to remind myself of these things constantly.

Anyway, my priorities list is mainly to have a physical list of what is most important right now, such as Bible studies and illustrations. For some reason, having it out in front of me rather than just in my head is freeing.
My to-do list is to help me reach my goals. Again, freeing up my mind to think of other, more important things than my mental to-do list that just keeps growing and growing.
Rather than adding to my tangible to-do list, it's made up of my most important priorities.

But "most important" doesn't mean huge.
It's stuff like, "Work on illustrations - transfer sketches" and "Cut out photos".
I'm not writing stuff like, "Finish 1 illustration today."

I'm starting small.
And reminding myself that all these things will get done, Lord willing. Because He is in control of it all, and smaller steps are better than none at all.

I think the bottom line here is accepting that I can't do it all. That sometimes, I need to take a step back, look at all I've got going on, re-evaluate what's really more important, and let God take control. And remember that every small step counts in this journey.

Because today was one of the most worry-free days I've had in a long time. I know I can't do it all, but I know that in taking these small steps to getting more done, I'll know what I'm made of.

God is stretching me. There are gonna be days where I feel overwhelmed and super stressed beyond my limits.

But I'm not trying to live up to MY limit, and MY potential, however great or small.
I'm trying to live up to the One who gave me any kind of potential in the first place.
And in order to reach it, I've gotta take these small steps.

There is beauty in growth. It's not about reaching the goal so much as attaining the little blessings along the way that come from learning and growing.

That's when you find out what you're made of.

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