Thursday, August 11, 2011

Beauty of God: Day 11 - Hebrews 2 Finally Hit Home!

(I really hope this update makes sense. I feel like I haven't been making much sense lately.)

So, I've been reading Hebrews 2 for the past few days.

Because, for some reason or other, I could not understand it.
I don't know if there was a reason behind that other than my own stupidity, but seriously, for some reason I was having a super hard time figuring out what it all meant.

Then I read it again today at work. Or, after work...but I was still there...but that's not important.

What's important is that I finally understand it now.

And I'm finding it super profound.
Maybe I'm being like one of those Believers who live in a bubble and are always so happy and exhuberantly finding every single piece of scripture amazing.

And if that bothers you...tough. Not everyone can understand something the first time they read it.
Because I'm seriously finding the meaning of Hebrews 2 to be super amazing.

It's a beautiful example of God's relational character.

He didn't have to come to earth as a human, you know. I mean, He's God. He could have just snapped His fingers, "understood" what it meant to be human, grabbed a prophet and said, "Ok people, all this sin has to stop, and here's how: I've got this Son, even though you've never seen Him, and He's all part of this whole 'Trinity' thing that I'm sure you'll understand in time, and if you just believe in Him - My Son, I mean - then ya'll can be redeemed!"

Not only would this way have been the easy way out, but none of the Scriptures would have been fulfilled, and Yeshua wouldn't be very easy to relate to at all.

Think about it. When you think of Yeshua, don't you think, "Oh, He died to save my life. He was like us, was tempted like us, and saved us."
But what do you think of when you think of God, without Yeshua?

He's just...God.
The God of the Old Testament.

Not that I'm trying to belittle Him or anything, that's not the point here!
What I'm trying to say is, I don't think we think of God as relational when Yeshua is out of the picture. But because He came as a human, like one of us, and we know that He is God, then it's that much easier to have a relationship with Him.

There's so much more to our salvation in Yeshua Messiah than just the fact that He came and died for our sins.

In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. Both the one who makes all men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.

And it's a beautiful thing, to have a relationship with Him, and He has a beautiful character when it comes to relationships.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is God our FATHER! God ALMIGHTY!He is the ANCIENT OF DAYS! And He loved us enough to send His only Son to us-He will always be God as Jesus is God-Who sent us the Spirit so we could commune with the Trinity and they with us!