Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beauty of God: Day 20 - Good Friends, God's Hand

Seriously, today was full of win (as one of said good friends would say).

It was a much needed girls' day/night out, after an awesome church service.

All week, I've been having all kinds of confusion and doubt.
I think the major thing is I've just been feeling so worn out and burdened. And I'm starting to think of this walk with Yeshua as more of a chore. Which makes it seem more like a burden than a relationship.

And Yeshua even says that His yoke is easy, His burden light (Matt. 11:30).
So why do I feel heavy-laden, wrestless and weary?

I think the main reason for that is I'm over-complicating it. I know I've said before that I need to get back to basics, but I think I'm a bit at a loss as to how. I have all this worry, all this stuff on my mind. And it keeps me from finding and recieving that rest and peace that only God can offer and provide me with about it all.

So, all this is running through my head this week, and then at church today, pretty much all that was addressed was all that I've been thinking about and trying to figure out lately. I'm still in a state of "Whoa..." about it. 'Cause I seriously love it when God does that.

Plus, got to see my dear friends, Carley and Lizzy before Lizzy heads back to her college far, far away. It was so nice having a girls' time out, venting and ranting and encouraging one-another. I don't get to do that often, so it was definitely a time of release, and a time to lift up and be lifted up.

The Lord's hand is on all of our lives, and I know I'm seeing it in theirs, as they've said they're seeing it in mine. And it's awesome.

God works through mysterious ways sometimes. It's amazing what one sermon can do, and how special friends can make such a difference. Today was a God-given testimony to how much He loves us to put special people in our lives, and that sometimes if we wait for answers instead of forcing them to appear, He'll give them in such abundance anc clarity that we know Who it's from.

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